# Share products on Facebook

To allow sharing your products on Facebook, navigate to Edit site -> Language settings tab and enter your Facebook App ID in the appropriate field in the Social section.

To create Facebook App ID please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Facebook for developers (opens new window) and log in.
  2. Go to My apps and click Create app. create app step1
  3. Enter your App name in the pop-up field and click Create App ID.
  4. Select the Facebook Login app and click Set Up. create app step2
  5. Select Web and add your Site URL. Click Save. create app step3
  6. Click Continue and Next until you reach Step 5 (You don't need to copy the code).
  7. Go to Settings -> Basic -> add Privacy Policy URL (URL to your Privacy Policy page or any other page). Click Save. create app step4
  8. Click the toggle button In development in the header to go live. create app step5
  9. Select category Shopping and click button Switch Mode. create app step6
  10. Facebook App is now live. Copy the APP ID and paste it in the Edit Site -> Language settings -> Social -> Facebook App ID. Confirm the changes with Submit Submit button green . create app step7
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