# Google Search Console (Webmasters Tools)

This integration allows you to verify your site on Google Search Console via meta tag.

# On this page

# How to obtain a meta tag code in Google Search Console

Before you create integration you must obtain a meta tag code. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Google Search Console (opens new window).
  2. Enter your website’s domain name.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. To verify your domain, select the HTML tag tab under Other verification method.
  5. Click the Copy button.


Leave this window open as you will need to click Verify, but be sure to first copy the Meta tag content into your DG1 integration.

Google Search Console

# Add Google Search Console integration to DG1 platform

  1. Log into your DG1 Admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Plugins and create a new integration by clicking Add Add button under Google Search Console (Webmasters Tools).

plugins google webmaster add

  1. Enter the Meta tag content that you’ve created.

Integration google webmaster tool_add

  1. To save your new integration, click Submit Submit button green .
  2. Go back to Google Search Console and click Verify Google Search Console verify button.

Google Search Console will check your website if correct meta tag is available. This can last a few seconds. When your website is verified, you can use Google Search Console features.


Once your website is verified in Google Search Console platform, DG1 integration must stay enabled if you want to continue using Google Search Console. Without the integration, Google Search Console verified status will not persist.

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