# Booking reviews and ratings
Reviews and ratings let your customers engage with your business as well as each other, to encourage sales. The reviews are presented in a descriptive way while ratings are presented with the five stars (1 star meaning bad - 5 stars meaning excellent).
This is how the front end of Ratings and reviews looks like. The Reviews appear when customers click on the Product details .
# Enable/Disable automatic publishing for product reviews
By default, new product reviews are not published to your online store.
For more control over which reviews appear in your store:
- Go to Manage site and click Sites.
- Select Product reviews tab.
When Automatically approve reviews is unchecked, then the new reviews will be shown as unpublished and won't appear in your store until you choose to publish them manually.
- To Automatically approve reviews check or uncheck this option.
# Publish a product review manually
- Publish a product review:
- Go to booking Booking products and click Reviews.
You can see a list of all the product reviews.
- Select one product review and Approve it by clicking the sliders which will change from No to Yes. With that the review will be published in the front end.
# Delete a product review
To delete a product review:
- Go to booking Booking products and click Reviews.
You can see a list of all the product reviews.
- Select review you want to delete and click Delete .
- Confirm by clicking OK.
# Search reviews
- Go to booking Booking products and click Reviews.
- Enter your search keyword in Title or Select product you want to filter.
- Press Enter or click Filter button .