# Booking categories

To manage and add new booking categories, navigate to Booking -> Booking Products and select Categories.

Booking categories menu

Your starting point is a tree structure of your Categories. By clicking the white arrows Arrow white or names of your categories, you can expand and view all your categories, subcategories and further subcategories. By clicking the black arrows Arrow black , you can hide or collapse the tree structure under each category or subcategory.

To edit, delete or add a category or subcategory, right click on the category you want to edit, delete or add.

Edit category menu

# On this page

# Add new category

To add a new subcategory to the desired category, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Booking -> Booking products -> Categories in your DG1 platform.

  2. Click + Add category Add category button in the top right corner of the page or right click an existing category in the tree structure and select Add subcategory to open the form for adding a new category.

    Booking categoires view

  3. Enter category details:

    • Name is the title of your new category. Example: Hotel rooms.

    • Category URL key is generated automatically. It adds information to the URL on your front end.

    • Note - use this field to enter a comment or note for your reference. Notes are not visible in the front end (optional).

    • Category image - add an image to your category.

      Edit booking category

    • Adding images to categories or subcategories.

      • To add an image, click Choose a category image, click SELECT on the chosen image in File selector and confirm selection with SELECT & CLOSE.
      • To remove an image from a category, click Remove file Remove x icon .
  4. To save your new category and add it to the tree, click Submit Submit button green .


Each category can contain up to 5 levels of subcategories.

# Edit category

To edit a category or subcategory, right click and select Edit category or click the category itself. The same form will appear, where you can edit or add information to the category and confirm changes with Submit Submit button green .

Edit category

# Delete category

To delete a category or a subcategory, right click on it and select Delete category or Delete delete and confirm deletion with OK.

Delete category


The Submit and mark as translated checkboxes must ALL be selected for the category to be visible in your front end, otherwise it will not appear in your online shop.

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