# Booking products

By setting up booking products in your DG1 platform, you can offer services to your customers. To manage your booking products, navigate to Booking -> Booking products and select Products. Once you have added products to the booking section of your DG1 platform, this is where you will find them listed.
On the booking products page you can edit edit , delete delete , copy copy or add Add product products.

Add booking product

By default, your Booking products page displays product Name, Group and URL. To see more columns on the Booking products index page, click View options View options button , check the boxes for data that you would like to see in your products page, and all the columns you select will appear in the page header.

Booking product filter

  1. To add a new booking product, navigate to BOOKING -> Booking products and click Products.

Booking products menu

  1. Click + Add product Add product .
  2. Select booking product group in the pop-up window and click Add new Add new green button .

Select booking product group

  1. Below is a detailed overview of all booking product details in each tab on the Add new booking product page.

# Product info tab

  • General settings
    • Name - The name is a word or a set of words by which your booking product is known.
    • URL - Automatically generated URL for your booking product based on the name of the booking product.
    • Short description - Description of a booking product, which should not exceed 220 characters. All the other booking product information should be added to Attributes.
    • Price with tax for one slot - This is your gross or net price for one time slot, which depends on the general settings in your Site section.
    • Tax rate - Add the tax rate, which is valid in the country where your products are sold and shipped to (country-specific).
    • Show price - By default this value is inherited from the type of booking product group selected for each booking product, but you can also decide to Show the price or Hide the price of each booking product.

booking product info tab

  • Additional settings
    • Custom product ID - An additional number for identifying the booking product (optional).
    • External URL - The user will be redirected to the URL instead of opening the booking product’s page.
    • Custom email recipient - type the email address to which the order confirmation of this specific product will also be sent to.
    • Include search words - you can define search words that will help the internal search engine find the product.
    • Check the option Do not send to the default email recipient only if you have entered a custom email address for the confirmation email. When this option is selected, a confirmation email will not be sent to the default email recipient.

booking product additional settings

  • Restrictions
    • Activate product - uncheck this option to hide the product everywhere.
    • Display in products grid - uncheck this option to hide the product in the product grid.
    • Display in booking – uncheck this option to hide the product in booking. If the product is active, it can still be booked through packages.

booking product restriction

  • SEO
    • SEO image - choose an image to enable Google search by image.
    • SEO Description is a short description for external search engines.
    • SEO keywords are searched words used by external search engines.

booking product SEO

# Images & videos tab

You can upload multiple images and add links to videos for each product in the Images & videos tab.

  • How to add an image:
    1. Click Select files and then Upload.
    2. Click Upload files by and a new window will open.
    3. When you have selected an image, click SELECT and then SELECT & CLOSE.

Upload product image
You can add multiple pictures into your gallery.


Once a picture is uploaded it will stay in the File system database, until you manually delete it!

    • How to add videos:
      1. Click Add a video.
      2. Paste a video URL from either Youtube, Vimeo or any other video sharing site. You can add up to three video links per product.
      3. Click Submit Submit button green .

Youtube video


You cannot upload a video from your computer.

# Availability source tab

  • If the product you are adding will be the one defining availability, then leave this setting as Custom availability.
  • If the product you are adding will just upgrade another existing product, then select Another booking product. After that choose the Related product by clicking Select a booking product. The selected booking product will define the availability of your newly added product. Example: You would like to offer a standard room with a picnic package and show this on your website as a new booking product with a higher price. Because your special deal refers to your standard room offer, the availability of the room with a picnic package will be defined by that standard room.
  • Personnel - Select people that are related to this booking product. Their availability will define the availability of the booking product.


Personnel only appears if the selected booking method in your booking group is Custom time.

# Attributes tab

Attributes are used to describe characteristics or qualities of your booking products, as well as other elements used on your website, such as forms. To learn more about and how to use them, please refer to Attributes.

Once you’ve entered all the relevant information about your booking product, click Submit Submit button green .

After you save your booking product, the Booking products page will open where you can Edit edit , Copy copy and Delete delete your booking products or check out how they appear on your site with the Front end view Front end view button .

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