# Translating pages

  1. Edit the Page you wish to translate.
  2. In the page admin you will now notice another language switcher and blue dots.


The blue dots appear on the level of sections, at each text field, settings tab, and at the language dropdown. They will remain in the language dropdown until you have successfully translated all the translatable fields.

  1. Switch the language to the one you need to translate.
  2. Navigate to the text fields that need translating.
  3. Start translating.


When translating, you will always get the help of your first language. The texts from your first language will appear as placeholders.

  1. For additional help with translations, compare the languages while translating. You can do so by going to the language dropdown and clicking the Compare languages icon.

    compare lang

  2. The left column is only for comparing texts, while the right column is used for editing.


  3. You can also switch the two languages and correct text for any of them. But be aware that the language in the dropdown will also be switched at the same time.

  4. Changing the section settings will change the settings in all the languages.

  5. When all the translations are done, click Save & Publish Save and publish .

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