# Customize language

The multilingual content editor works best when you have one page translated in all the languages with the same settings, same sections and similar content.

But if you wish to make a page in one language look a little bit different, with maybe a different selection of sections, then you can do so by customizing language.

  1. Edit an existing page or add a new page.

  2. Go to More and click Customize language.

  3. You have two options to choose from:

    1. Start from current - use this option if you are customizing an existing page with already arranged sections.
    2. Start from blank - use this option if you will create a page from scratch.

  4. Above the sections you will be constantly warned that this language is customized.

  5. The moment you customize a language, you will need to add sections and create content separately for all the translations. From now on this page will not work as the multilingual functionality but it will work in a way of adding content in each language separately. By that we mean that also the sections which are shared among the two languages, will not have the placeholders from the other languages and will not have any blue dots.

  6. Should you ever wish to remove the functionality for customized languages, go back to More and click Remove customized language. The sections that were different in both languages will disappear.


Removing customized language may result in loss of content.
If you started from current, only the content before you customized a language will remain.
If you will start from the blank and then remove the customized language, all the content will disappear and you will not be able to recover it.

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