# Privacy

Whenever you gather personal information in forms for sending newsletters or any custom-made form, it is important to comply with relevant data protection and privacy laws. To put it in simple terms: If you ask your contacts for any type of information, which you then wish to use for either sending emails or processing, you must get their informed consent to do so according to data protection and/or privacy laws in most countries.

To manage your data processing activities, navigate to Global settings -> Privacy -> Processing activities, where you can already find two examples of such activities: Marketing newsletter OPT-IN and Personalization & Profiling consent.



When importing or editing contacts to your marketing section you need to select Processing activity permissions for each type of personal information for which you have a written consent. (Example: Name, Date of birth, Email…). Consents are legally acceptable only if given in written format by your contacts.

# In this section

# Data processing activities

  1. To create your own consent form, go to Global settings -> Processing activities.

settings To View our default data processing activities, click View View button .

  1. To add your own personal data processing activity, click Add Add button .


  1. Enter the following details:
    • Name: Enter the name of the new consent form. The name will not be visible in the front end.
    • Description: Write a description for your own reference. This is optional and will not be visible in the front end.
    • Multilingual explanation fields: In this section you can add explanations and labels for your data processing activity in all the languages used on your site. Simply fill out the fields in one language and immediately switch to the next one and add multiple languages in one go.

Processing activity details

  1. Once you click Submit Submit button green , your new data processing activity will be saved in all the languages you have entered.

To Edit the text in your fields, simply click on the language and enter your changes. All the changes have to be saved with Submit Submit button green .

The system will show your new data processing activity in the corresponding language of your site, so you don’t have to worry about where it will appear. Should you add explanations for data processing activity in a language your site does not yet support, then this language simply will not appear.

# Data processing permissions

DG1 only serves as a platform for delivering your online content, which means that all permissions and/or consents, needed for processing activities involving personal data under the EU’s GDPR or relevant data protection or privacy laws in other countries, are your sole responsibility as administrator and business owner. Further on, you and your company will be solely responsible for sending out marketing materials without a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous written consent for the use of personal information from your contacts. To read more about the consents under EU legislation, please click here (opens new window).

The DG1 platform provides you with a certain level of protection against unintentional misuse when activating marketing campaigns in your marketing section. In case you do not have a written consent to use specific channels or attributes from your contacts, the DG1 platform will not allow you to send out marketing materials without permissions for each channel or attribute. DG1 is here to help you understand the importance of consents when using marketing campaigns within the EU and under EU legislation.

By going to Global settings -> Processing permissions, you can see which permissions or types of personal information require you to obtain consent from your contacts. These are:

  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Gender
  • Mobile phone number
  • Name
  • Phone number

If you have imported contacts in the past that do not have permission to use the data and channels from the above list, such contacts will not be added to your marketing campaigns once you process them.

# Edit permissions manually

What you can do is Edit edit each contact in your marketing section manually. To do this, go to the Permissions tab, select the consent form on the left and then select all the necessary checkboxes. But be aware you may be held responsible for checking those boxes and you must have a written consent from your contacts to do so. DG1 accepts no responsibility or liability for any actions you take when deciding to check the permissions without obtaining a prior written consent from your contact(s).

# Importing contacts with permissions

If you wish to re-import all your contacts from the system to change their permissions, you can do so using the Import Import button option on the Audience/Contacts settings page.

Import contacts

However, with this action you must be sure to specify permissions one by one and – more importantly – select only the ones you were given consent for.

Importing contacts with permissions

# Permissions in forms

When creating new forms, you must make sure you add data processing activities to your forms. The permissions are automatically added for the Marketing newsletter OPT-IN and Personalization & Profiling consent if the contact selects the checkboxes in the form and successfully confirms the form submission confirmation in the email.

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